All About Taste & Technique Cooking with Recipes to Elevate Your Home Cooking

Ebook 500 29th Mar, 2022

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    Recipes for sauces, starters, salads, vegetables, and desserts can be mixed and matched with poultry, beef, lamb, seafood, and egg dishes to create show-stopping meals all year round. Practice braising and searing with a Milk-Braised Pork Shoulder, then pair it with Orange-Caraway Glazed Carrots in the springtime or Caramelized Delicata Squash in the winter. All About Taste & Technique Cooking with Recipes to Elevate Your Home Cooking by Yadira Acosta Free download: https://wz.d-ld.net/718c467c39 2022 Format: EPUB 644 pages 105 MB Sauces My love for sauces is why I started cooking. Even in my earliest culinary experiments as a child, adding a sauce was the easiest way for me to quickly transform a dish. That’s why I believe this is the most important chapter in the book. In traditional French kitchens, saucier is one of the highest positions, because making the perfect sauce requires great attention to detail, technique, timing, and expertise acquired through practice and patience. Sauces elevate a dish more than any other single element, adding an extra layer of flavor that pulls everything together. They complete the taste experience and are often a connection point among all of the components on a plate. A quick sauce can lift even the simplest of meals into something extraordinary. The key to great sauce making is understanding balance, which is what every recipe in this chapter is designed to help you accomplish. Perhaps because of the perception that sauces take years to master, many home cooks often skip making one. That’s unfortunate, since plenty of sauces are actually quite easy to make and offer a return far greater than the amount of effort it took to assemble them. My definition of sauce is fairly broad. It doesn’t have to be liquid, for example. It is any substance that can be spooned or poured, such as a chutney, relish, or confiture. And while a sauce is not necessary for the completion of a dish, it adds that important extra touch.

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