Play Piano With The Beatles Sheet Muisc
Sheet Music 313 12th Jun, 2023
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The Beatles sheet music. Authentic piano transcription for eight hit songs includes vocal line, full lyrics and chord symbols, plus CD width soundalike backing tracks and full demonstration performances Learn to play the original Piano parts to eight great Fab Four songs! The sheet music book contains authentic piano transcriptions with vocal line, full lyrics and guitar chord symbols while the CD features full 'soundalike' instrumental backing tracks minus the piano so you can play along! Song list Back In The U.S.S.R. Don'T Let Me Down Get Back Hey Bulldog Old Brown Shoe The Long and Winding Road While My Guitar Gently Weeps You Never Give Me Your Money Free download Learn how to play some of "The Beatles" most iconic songs on the piano with songbook "Play Piano With The Beatles"! This sheet music book features authentic piano transcriptions for eight hit songs, including vocal lines, full lyrics, and chord symbols. Plus, it comes with a CD that has soundalike backing tracks and full demonstration performances, so you can practice playing along with the Beatles' music. The songbook includes the Beatles' most beloved tunes, such as • Back In The U.S.S.R. • Don't Let Me Down • Get Back • Hey Bulldog • Old Brown Shoe • The Long and Winding Road • While My Guitar Gently Weeps and • You Never Give Me Your Money. Each song has been carefully transcribed for the piano, so you can play the original piano parts just like the Beatles did. The accompanying CD is a great tool for learning how to play these songs. The soundalike backing tracks feature all the instruments except the piano, so you can play along and feel like you're part of the band. The full demonstration performances are also helpful, as they allow you to hear how the song should sound when played correctly. One of the great things about this songbook is that it's suitable for pianists of all skill levels. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, you'll find these transcriptions easy to follow and enjoyable to play. The chord symbols make it easy to improvise and add your own personal touch to each song. "Play Piano With The Beatles" is a fantastic resource for anyone who loves the Beatles and wants to learn how to play their music on the piano. With its authentic transcriptions, helpful CD, and wide range of skill levels, this songbook is sure to be a hit with fans of all ages. So grab your piano and get ready to rock out with the Fab Four!
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