Ebooks - 5 hónapja
Wiccan Cuisine Cookbook by Carla Torrents, PDF, 75 MB, free download: Link opens in the same window! - Wiccan Cuisine Cookbook Notice: free download for educational purposes only. Not for commercial use. For commercial use, buy Wiccan Cuisine Cookbook by Carla Torrentson AmazonKitchen Witchcraft From choosing the ingredients we cook with according to what they represent, their element and correspondences, to the intention while cooking them, we are practicing a ritual and nourishing our connection with Mother Nature. We experience magic through food and its energies, and by combining vegetables, herbs and spices we can create recipes with the ability to balance our emotions and help others. The magical art of cooking Practicing magic and cooking are crafts that are more related to each other than you would think. I personally consider kitchen witchery to be one of the magical arts that is most connected to earth and Mother Nature; we follow the Wheel of the Year to gather the food of each season and create special goods to celebrate each Sabbat. This project started as a way to connect two of my many passions: cooking and magic. My intention was to take photographs of my recipes to share with family and friends, but then thousands of people started giving @wiccancuisine a lot of love and support and here I am now, presenting this book to you all. I hope you enjoy every page as much as I did while creating them. Wheel of the Year The Wheel of the Year is the representation of the annual cycle of the eight Pagan Sabbats, and the symbol I took as a reference to create all the recipes in this cookbook. The Wheel of the Year includes four solar festivals (Yule/Winter Solstice, Ostara/Spring Equinox, Litha/Summer Solstice and Mabon/Fall Equinox), and four other seasonal celebrations (Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain). In the following pages you will fi nd meals, potions, baked goods and creations from every seasonal feast so you can enjoy the ritual of cooking while respecting nature and its cycle. As I have said before, please feel free to modify or add your personal touch to any recipe in this book, as long as you use foods that are gathered in the Wheel of the Year period that you are living in.
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