Pop Standards Super Easy Songbook Sheet music for piano
Sheet Music 575 11th Jun, 2021
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Sheet Music - 3 éve
Pop Standards - Super Easy Songbook cover by https://ira.hu (Image recognition application and image hosting)
Sheet Music - 3 éve
Pop Standards - Super Easy Songbook. Sheet music for piano with right-hand melody and chord diagrams Super Easy Songbook of Pop Standards. Arrangements for piano with chord diagrams. Includes 60 great songs: Dream A Little Dream Of Me, Bridge over Troubled Water, Mack The Knife, Hallelujah, Sunny, I Will Always Love You, Imagine, Just the Way You Are, Stand by and many more. Free download: https://sheetmusic.me/pop-standards-super-easy-songbook More information and song list: https://sheetmusic.me/directory/pop-standards-super-easy-songbook-sheet-music-for-piano/ #sheetmusic #musicscores #piano #songbook #PopStandard #easypiano #TimeAfterTime #LeanOnMe #Hallelujah #Imagine #YouRaiseMeUp #BridgeOverTroubledWater #CandleInTheWind #Copacabana #DreamALittleDreamOfMe #HowDeepIsYourLove #MackTheKnife #ManInTheMirror #PureImagination #Sunny #TearsInHeaven #JustTheWayYouAre #YouAreSoBeautiful #PeopleGetReady The song selection has many classic songs that are nice to listen to, and the key letters inside the notes along with the chord notations with fingering positions makes this a great book for beginners, and especially for older adults like me who will never be very good at the piano. It's not for those who can already play from regular sheet music that has both staffs. So far it's the best I've found for poor players like me. For many of the songs, only part of the song is included. With repetitive songs this is less of a problem, but sometimes only a chorus or a verse is provided, and often there is no bridge. This was not clear in the product description, and may have dissuaded me from buying. This songbook is a lot of fun. There are a lot of songs that sound really great. There are some songs that fall flat but that's not the norm. I love that I'm learning new chords as I play. The collection of songs are very good and I am enjoying playing them... I am just learning to play the keyboard and it is good to have the chords in visual display for the left hand. I also write the names of the keys under the music. I found the right hand music is clear and quite straight forward to read with large notes and with the name of each note. Most of the songs have a LOT of left hand chords to learn. It is challenging for a beginner but something to attain to.
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