Grand Rapids Ballet celebrates 50 years in 2022
dancemelody 435 18th Apr, 2022
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Grand Rapids Ballet Celebrates 50 Years in 2022. Of the performing arts, ballet is second to none as a team effort. In Forest Hills Fine Arts Center this weekend, Grand Rapids Ballet Company will premiere the latest work by artistic director Gordon Peirce Schmidt. Grand Rapids Ballet and Cinderella Grand Rapids Ballet proudly presents Cinderella! We are kicking off our 50th Anniversary, February 25-27, 2022 at DeVos Performance Hall, reviving youthful memories from the classic fairytale. Choreographed by renowned choreographer Ben Stevenson, O.B.E., this timeless story journeys alongside Cinderella as her dreams are turned to reality by her Fairy Godmother before she dances the night away with her Prince at a dazzling ball. The Grand Rapids Symphony performs Sergei Prokofiev’s melodic score, as the audience watches Cinderella’s story unfold, leading to her happily ever after. Grand Rapids Ballet Presents A Midsummer Night's Dream Enjoy Shakespeare’s comedic tale of whimsy and love with renewed excitement, as Grand Rapids Ballet performs A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a story full of magical spells cast by Oberon and Titania, king and queen of the fairies, and the infamous mischief-making Puck. Choreographed by Christopher Stowell, associate director of the National Ballet of Canada, with music by Felix Mendelssohn, company dancers are accompanied by Grand Rapids Ballet School students, transforming into fairies, butterflies, and mystical characters, enchanting the audience with spells of our own. We also pay homage to George Balanchine, performing the timeless, classical work, Serenade, with music by Tchaikovsky, known as his first ballet made in America. https://dancemelody.com/grand-rapids-ballet/
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