Assemblé - Illustrated Dictionary of Classical Ballet Terms
dancemelody 268 25th Jul, 2024
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dancemelody - 3 hónapja
Assemblé is a fundamental ballet term derived from the French word meaning "assembled" or "joined together." Assemblé it refers to a specific movement in which a dancer leaps into the air and brings their legs together before landing. The action involves both a jump and a gathering of the feet, making it a crucial element in various ballet sequences. Execution: To perform an assemblé, a dancer typically starts in a standing position, often in a plié (bent knees) on one leg. The dancer then extends the other leg outward (usually to the side or front) and jumps off the supporting leg. While airborne, the dancer brings the extended leg back toward the supporting leg, "assembling" both feet together before landing softly. The landing is usually done in a plié to absorb the impact and maintain balance. Variations: Assemblé can be executed in various forms, including: - Assemblé en l'air: A standard version where the dancer jumps and brings the legs together in mid-air. - Assemblé soutenu: A variation where the dancer performs a sustained (soutenu) movement, often transitioning into another step. - Assemblé battu: A more advanced version that incorporates a beating action of the legs before landing. Assemblé is not only a beautiful and visually striking movement but also serves as a building block for more complex jumps and steps in ballet choreography. It helps dancers develop strength, coordination, and control, essential for executing higher-level jumps and combinations. In Practice: Dancers often practice assemblés in various positions (first, second, and fifth) and directions (front, side, or back) to enhance their versatility and technique. It is commonly included in ballet classes, variations, and repertoire pieces, making it an essential skill for both students and professional dancers.
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